Many orthodontic problems, if left untreated, can create far more costly problems in the future. The cost is quite modest considering the physical and psychological benefits of orthodontic care can last a lifetime.
- We offer a complimentary initial consultation to address your needs and concerns.
- Our orthodontic fee includes diagnostic records, all appliances, treatment visits, the first set of retainers and five years of follow-up after appliances have been removed.
- Although fees vary according to the complexity and time involved with each individual’s case, a personalized payment plan can be arranged for your orthodontic care that fits within your family’s budget.
- We offer in house interest-free financing with several different payment options to fit your needs.
- Professional courtesies are offered to patients who pay their orthodontic fee in full at the beginning of treatment.
- We also provide a convenient no initial down payment option and with lower monthly payments through CareCredit.
- For your convenience we accept MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express, and utilize auto-draft for your monthly payments.
- We accept and file your insurance for you to make sure your benefits are maximized. We are a Premier Provider for Delta Dental.
- If your employer offers a flexible spending plan, we can help plan your orthodontic expenses by utilizing these pretax dollars.
- If you should have any questions regarding financial options please do not hesitate to contact our Financial Coordinator at 309-786-7782.
With our creative financing, anyone can feel comfortable wearing braces. We strive hard to eliminate the financial barriers to orthodontic treatment, because we believe everyone deserves a healthy, beautiful smile.